Business Excellence, Internal Control, Quality Assessments

Normatives Management, Vision, Mission, Strategisches Management, Operatives Management, IKS (Internes Kontrollsystem), RM (Risikomanagement), Prozesse, Prozessmodell, Strategie.

WHOLISTIC MANAGEMENT, INTER-NAL CONTROL and QUALITY are essential components of successfull management. WHOLISTIC MANAGE-MENT forms the base, INTERNAL CONTROL continuously monitors this, and the comprehensive QUALITY assures the effective functionality of the whole system.

Vision, strategy and processes represent the 3 levels of WHOLISTIC MANAGEMENT: normative, strategic and operational.


The wellknown EFQM MODEL respektively the BUSINESS EXCELLENCE approach is another possibility to implement WHOLISTIC MANAGEMENT.

INTERNAL CONTROL encompasses all activities that provide reasonable assurance  upon effective and efficient achievement of objectives and goals of an organisation. Following instruments are most important: Internal Control System (ICS), Risk Management (RM) and Internal Audit (IA).



If INTERNAL CONTROL respektively IA follows the International IIA Standards, a Quality Review reveals.

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